Make Your Own Afro Twist Hairpiece

Make Your Own Afro Twist Hairpiece

  • Monday, 02 November 2020
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Make Your Own Afro Twist Hairpiece

If you're tired of going to the hair salon for boring cuts or if you're tired of looking just like every other white person on the street, an afro twist hairpiece can be just what you're looking for. The afro twist hairpiece is a short, straightened natural look that's sexy and very chic. This is basically a straightened, straightening style that has curly, round-shaped extensions attached.

To create an afro twist, you'll first need a blow dryer with a high heat setting and a wide-toothed comb. Make sure that you use a comb that's designed for blow drying your hair. This comb will help to secure the extensions. You can also buy clip-on extensions. These will last a long time, since they're clip in, so make sure you put them on as soon as you can after your first cut.

After you've set up your extensions, you'll want to pull your hair up into a tight ponytail using a metal comb. You can use a hairbrush for this or a pair of scissors to get the exact look you want. Once you've pulled your ponytail tight, blow dry it with the high heat setting, letting it air dry before you secure the hair extension.

Clip the extensions in just above your ears using your comb or hairbrush. You can make several clips if you feel comfortable doing it that way. Be sure to go through a few clips before you decide which ones are right for you.

You'll want to keep the color of your hair and the color of your extensions consistent. This way, you'll have a different look on each side of your head. Also, your extension color should blend well with your natural hair color. You can't really dye your hair extensions but if you're not planning on changing your hair color that much, this might be a great option.

If you're tired of having to shave every day to keep your hair from growing out all over your face, you may want to consider an afro twist hairpieces. You'll never have to worry about having a mop of hair once you get one!

Take your blow dryer to the next notch higher than your normal settings. Heat it to about 365 degrees. This will help the extensions last longer.

You will probably want to remove your extensions once you've finished styling your hair. If you're going to take your extensions off, make sure that you don't rub hard. This will cause the extensions to wear out more quickly. If you take them off, use the same blow dryer that you used to dry your hair.

The afro twist hairpiece is something that you can easily do yourself with relative ease. If you're willing to learn how to make your own, you can have a fashionable and easy twist without any help. This is one hairstyle that you can enjoy for many years.

Tags:afro toupee

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